Henry Carus + Associates | Injury Lawyers
a spinal injury, a head injury, a back injury, a leg injury, a neck injury,

mother. father. grandmother. grandfather. brother.
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Personal Injury & Compensation Lawyers

Doyles Accident Comp 2023 Henry Carus Doyles Product Liability 2023 Henry Carus Doyles Workers Comp 2023 Henry Carus Doyles Medical Negligence 2022 Henry Carus

Too many injured people in Victoria fail to get the maximum compensation they deserve for their accident injuries. That is unfortunate – and unnecessary. You Deserve More.

At Henry Carus + Associates, we know that every accident situation is different. We take the time to connect with our clients to understand the unique circumstances surrounding their lives and injuries. Through hard work, meticulous preparation, and a customised approach to every matter, our firm has built a reputation for excellence in achieving successful results and positively impacting the lives of those we serve.

Our personal injury and accident compensation lawyers have the experience and expertise to help you get all of the financial support and benefits you deserve for the injuries you have suffered. As professionals who are familiar with Victorian legislation and who on a daily basis help to navigate clients through the system, we have an advantage. We know how the system works from the inside out and what steps are necessary to ensure those seriously injured get all that they deserve.

We are prepared to pursue your matter all the way necessary to achieve the best possible outcome, even if that means going to court. In our experience, that preparation and determination allow our firm to achieve excellent outcomes for our clients well before a court hearing is required. It is our focused mindset that allows our compensation lawyers to succeed for 98% of our clients, many times getting five times or more what the insurance company (or government agency) initially offered.

We represent our clients on a No Win, No Fee basis, so you can entrust your accident claim to Henry Carus + Associates without any risk that you will owe us legal costs should the matter not be successful. We are so confident of our services that we offer a "90 day guarantee" of our services. Furthermore, we put our funds to work for you without asking you to pay for disbursements or enter into a credit arrangement in order to fund disbursements along the way.

You Deserve More™
no win no fee
No Win No Fee

We dig deep to understand your claim losses and pursue maximum compensation. You pay nothing for our services unless we achieve a successful outcome on your behalf.

dedicated team
Our Lawyers

We are loyal, tireless, and caring. Our lawyers and staff provide ongoing support and personalised attention for your unique legal situation and individual needs.

service stars
Exceptional Service

We are a small, local law firm with unparalleled expertise in Victoria legislation. You can count on us to provide 5-star care throughout the course of your claim.

Meet our team of
victoria lawyers
white pluspersonal injury services
Henry Carus Client
We Fight for the Maximum Compensation
You Deserve For Your Personal Injury

There are many situations where a legal claim can be made for personal injury compensation. We are here to help you from the very beginning get all that the law allows you as compensation and support for a serious injury. Immediate investigation is required to gather and preserve the evidence you need to win. Hence, you need to contact the team at Henry Carus + Associates right away – sometimes even before completing an injury claim form.

Whether it is an injury that has occurred at work; in a car, bus, train, or tram accident; by way of medical negligence; or in a public space, Henry Carus + Associates have many years of experience assisting injured persons like you. As we strive to achieve the best result for you, our firm works in an informative and collaborative style so that a strong, trustworthy relationship is formed. In the end, this results in a spectacular outcome without any stress to you.

The amount of compensation you recover is affected by many factors, such as how the accident happened and to what extent someone else is responsible for the accident; the severity of your personal injuries; the amount of time you have lost from work and to what extent that will continue into the future; and the extent of medical care you have received and will need to receive in the future. Working with the legal team at Henry Carus + Associates will gain you access to our experienced legal practitioners who can significantly improve your chances of achieving the full compensation you deserve for all that you have suffered. Such outcomes will help secure your and your family's future.

You Deserve More™
We win for our clients

In 2005, Lee was involved in a tragic accident, which wasn’t his fault. After years of delays, the TAC offered him $750,000 – then, we helped him to get a new offer of $1.1 million just two week later. That’s an extra $350,000 in two weeks!


Huanxi slipped on a food item on the floor and suffered a fracture to the knee that caused her significant disability. She received a significant sum of $100,000 and was very grateful.


As a self-employed painter, David’s car accident and resulting back pain seriously restricted his earnings. The TAC dug their heels in but we fought for him, tooth and nail, eventually winning David a settlement of $250,000.


Phillip was riding a motorcycle when a vehicle turned right into his path, causing a serious injury to his left leg. We worked hard to acheive a good early outcome, and obtained a settlement from the TAC of over $325,000.


After being struck by a tram and suffering serious physical injuries and a closed head injury, the TAC took the view the accident was her fault. We investigated, and as a result of our persistent and patient work, the TAC changed its offers from Nil to over $200,000.


Jennifer came to us after she had a fall outside of a hotel she visited regularly. The hotel did not want to take responsibility for her fall. We helped Jennifer to recover damages from them for the pain and suffering which resulted from her fall.


Olivia came to Henry Carus + Associates after suffering a serious injury to her back when the chair she was sitting on at a restaurant collapsed. We were able to make a settlement for her claim and she is grateful.

Henry Carus Success Stories
Starting your claim for compensation is easy
number 1
Contact our lawyers

We aim to make your experience as smooth and simple as possible. Contact us via phone or online, and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

number 2
receive a free consultation

We take your injury personally. Our dedicated legal team of personal injury experts will create a custom legal plan that addresses your road accident claim.

number 3
we fight for you

You will be treated with great care from the moment you walk in the door. Your needs will be anticipated by our lawyers. Complicated case matters will be explained every step of the way.

over 40 years experience
Representing Clients’ Public Liability Claims

Accidents can happen at any time during your normal, day-to-day life. You are not at fault if you are injured due to the negligence of those who are responsible for maintaining safe conditions while you are on their property. This includes public areas like public footpaths. Many times, those responsible for an accident know they are at fault and seek to settle your claim ASAP for nominal compensation – please do not accept such offers!

Our legal team is here to help you get the compensation you deserve in a public liability claim. We have an incredible insight into public liability accidents that flows from Henry Carus' more than 40 years of experience in this area of the law (previously acting for insurance companies that defend these types of claims). Such experience allows us to approach this area of the law in a unique fashion. When that experience is married with our outstanding way of working with our clients, as persons who deserve the utmost support, we are able to deliver outstanding outcomes.

You and your matter deserve more attention than what you will receive at a large law firm where your file will be lost in the midst of shelves of paperwork.

Henry Carus Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys
Why Henry Carus?
Henry Carus Personal Injury Lawyers
our comprehensive approach
to medical negligence claims gets results

Claims involving medical negligence are among the most complex and difficult areas of compensation law. They require expertise – both legal and medical – as well as a team with experience and dedication to seeking maximum compensation for victims. That is where a medical negligence lawyer and our team come in.

At Henry Carus + Associates, our objective is to get more for people who have been affected by medical errors. We know that we cannot fix the medical mistake, but we can make a difference in the victim’s future.

We focus on proving that a health provider – such as a physician, medical specialist, or hospital – did something wrong during the course of the patient’s medical treatment. Medical negligence matters all come down to understanding the medical evidence and getting the right medical experts to support the claim. The experienced medical negligence lawyers and legal team at Henry Carus + Associates are ready to review your claim and provide you with advice about your potential legal options for recovering compensation.

Henry Carus Workcover Lawyers
Don’t Settle for Workcover’s First Offer - We Believe You Deserve More

With more than 40 years’ experience in WorkCover law, the team at Henry Carus + Associates has seen all workplace accident situations. WorkCover claims have the potential to involve many disputes both to achieve benefits and later to gain just compensation for the injuries suffered.

With benefits, the disputes can start with the claim being rejected and then later on continue with medical treatment being denied or cancelled, income benefits being terminated, and more. There are so many different types of benefits disputes arising out of WorkCover Law. Our lawyers also have the expertise to address all of these disputes so that you receive the support you are entitled to under the law.

We also have the expertise to guide you through the world of compensation for your injuries. This includes seeking the most that can be achieved by way of an impairment benefit, submitting a serious injury application that gains you access to common law compensation (lump sum), and then finally maximising the amount of common law compensation you receive.

No matter what it takes, no matter how long we need to work, no matter how complicated the issue – there’s never a fee to pay until we win your claim and get you a cash settlement.

Don’t accept tac’s decision as to
what benefits you deserve

TAC on a regular basis makes decisions that deal with medical and related benefits you are entitled to as a person injured in a motor vehicle accident. The relevant legislation gives you the right to these benefits, with the TAC only operating as a government agency managing the benefits.

TAC often makes decisions to deny or restrict the benefits that are available after a motor vehicle accident when such benefits should not be so restricted. Moreover, TAC often does not inform the injured person and their family of the availability of many benefits, to the detriment of the injured person.

The motor vehicle accident lawyers at Henry Carus + Associates take the time to explain all the benefits that are available and seek such benefits for you. If TAC is not willing to provide benefits we believe should be given, we are happy to contest their decisions; we do this regularly and successfully.

Accident victims may be entitled to TAC benefits for life. But, without guidance from a supportive TAC lawyer, the injured person can be left struggling to live their life with the quality they deserve from the legislation created to help them.